YourKit Java Profiler is a rich Java profiling tool that can be used to easily identify CPU usage, memory usage, thread utilisation, garbage collections and possible dead locks of your Java applications. In this post I'll briefly go through how to profile an UltraESB instance hosted on a EC2 instance using YourKit Java Profiler.
Before move into further details, you have to download YourKit Java profiler from their site. If you don't have a distribution of UltraESB, you can download a binary distribution of UltraESB from here.
Because this is a remote profiling between a EC2 hosted UltraESB instance and your local YourKit application, at the setup of ESC2 instance, ports 10001 - 10010 should be opened for external access.
Both UltraESB distribution and YourKit has to be on EC2 instance. To configure UltraESB with YourKit, JVM_OPTS line of in <UltraESB Home>/bin directory should be changed as figure 2.
Path of the file should be changed according to the platform. Once those configurations are done, now you can start UltraESB from
<UltraESB Home>/bin/
If configuration is correct, you can see a line like following at the top of ultraesb log.
[YourKit Java Profiler 2015 build 15070] Log file: /home/ubuntu/.yjp/log/java-
Add security credentials that you used to log into EC2 instance over ssh (Figure 4)
Then you can see the dashboard of YourKit that describes memory usage statistics, thread utilisation and etc,
To do a CPU profiling, click start CPU profiling button
Before move into further details, you have to download YourKit Java profiler from their site. If you don't have a distribution of UltraESB, you can download a binary distribution of UltraESB from here.
EC2 Setup
Because this is a remote profiling between a EC2 hosted UltraESB instance and your local YourKit application, at the setup of ESC2 instance, ports 10001 - 10010 should be opened for external access.
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
<UltraESB Home>/bin/
If configuration is correct, you can see a line like following at the top of ultraesb log.
[YourKit Java Profiler 2015 build 15070] Log file: /home/ubuntu/.yjp/log/java-
You can put a load on UltraESB using jb-run tool that is shipped with UltraESB distribution.
cd <UltraESB Home>/bin
jbrun -c 100 -d 1 -k -m POST -n 1000 -p /home/ubuntu/payload.txt -s 100 -t 150000 http://localhost:8280/service/ echo-back
YourKit (local machine) setup
Start YourKit by running <YourKit Home>/bin/
Click "Connect to remote application". Fill EC2 machine username and domain. (Figure 3)Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Then you can see the dashboard of YourKit that describes memory usage statistics, thread utilisation and etc,
To do a CPU profiling, click start CPU profiling button